Results for 'Death ofRamon Gonzales'

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  1. The Politics of Sustainable Agriculture.Death ofRamon Gonzales - 1994 - Agriculture and Human Values 11 (4).
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    Gonzales v. Oregon and the Politics of Medicine.Ronald Alan Lindsay - 2006 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 16 (1):99-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Gonzales v. Oregon and the Politics of MedicineRonald A. Lindsay (bio)Throughout 2005, the morbid joke on Capitol Hill was that the twin inevitabilities of "death and taxes" had been replaced by "death politics and taxes." There seemed to be some truth in this observation given the highly publicized intervention by some members of Congress in the Schiavo case and the continuing controversy over government regulation of (...)
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    U.S. Supreme Court Ruling in Gonzales v. Oregon Upholds the Oregon Death with Dignity Act.David Sclar - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (3):639-646.
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  4. Nowe argentyńskie czasopismo etyczne „Cuadernos de etica”.Irena Curyło-Gonzales - 1990 - Etyka 25.
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  5. Edith Stein and Erich Przywara and the Place of Love in Christian Philosophy.Philip Gonzales - 2015 - In Mette Lebech & John Haydn Gurmin (eds.), Intersubjectivity, humanity, being: Edith Stein's phenomenology and Christian philosophy. Oxford: Peter Lang.
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  6. Sterilization, issues in conflict.Betty Gonzales & Robert M. Sansoucie - 1981 - In Marc D. Hiller (ed.), Medical ethics and the law: implications for public policy. Cambridge: Ballinger Pub. Co..
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  7. El idealismo trascendental de Fichte y la fenomenología trascendental husserliana en una dirección convergente.M. Riobo Gonzales - 1995 - Ciudad de Dios 208 (1):129-180.
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    The sciences of design as sciences of complexity: The dynamic trait1.Wenceslao J. Gonzale - 2013 - In Hanne Andersen, Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao J. Gonzalez, Thomas Uebel & Gregory Wheeler (eds.), New Challenges to Philosophy of Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 4--299.
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    Koncepcje człowieka w kulturze Nahuatl.Irena Curyło-Gonzáles - 1984 - Etyka 21:131-149.
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  10. On The Representational and the Presentational: An Essay on Cognition and the Study of the Mind (Benny Shanon).M. E. Q. Gonzales & M. B. Wrigley - 1999 - Pragmatics and Cognition 7:205-213.
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    Reimagining the Analogia entis: the future of Erich Przywara's Christian vision.Philip John Paul Gonzales - 2019 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    This book is an introduction to twentieth-century Catholic thinker Erich Przywara, retrieving and extending Przywara's vision of the analogy of being as the metaphysical touchstone of a specifically Christian understanding of being. The author offers a detailed exploration of Przywara's thought in conversation with Edith Stein, the Nouvelle Théologie, and leading figures in contemporary postmodern theology.
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    On the Possibility of Realist Dialetheism.Luis Estrada-Gonzáles - 2014 - SATS 15 (2):197-217.
    Realist dialetheism is the view that there are contradictions in reality. One argument against this idea says that it is impossible because it has to make room for the possibility of a trivial reality, which is metaphysically impossible. Another argument against it says that the metaphysical structure of reality is such that it is impossible to have contradictions in it. I argue here that both arguments fail to establish the impossibility of realist dialetheism because they are based on a misconception (...)
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    Exorcising philosophical modernity: Cyril O'Regan and Christian discourse after modernity.Philip John Paul Gonzales (ed.) - 2020 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    What should Christian discourse look like after philosophical modernity? In one manner or another the essays in this volume seek to confront and intellectually exorcise the prevailing elements of philosophical modernity, which are inherently transgressive disfigurations and refigurations of the Christian story of creation, sin, and redemption. To enact these various forms and styles of Christian intellectual exorcism these essays make appeal to, and converse with the magisterial corpus of Cyril O'Regan. The themes of the essays center around the Gnostic (...)
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    Ideały moralne edukacji azteckiej.Irena Curyło-Gonzáles - 1988 - Etyka 24:105-122.
    The article is a continuation of a paper published in “Etyka”, vol. 21, Concepts of Man in the Náhuatlan Culture and contains an overview of the fundamental types of education provided by the Aztecs, with special emphasis on moral ideals. The investigation of Indian education not only furthers historical knowledge but also plays a role in the search of the origins of the specific religious, moral and behavioural expression of contemporary Mexico, due to the fact that some elements of the (...)
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    System normatywny Majów (Francesca M. Cancian, What are Norms? A Study of Beliefs and Action in Maya Community).Irena Curyło-Gonzales - 1978 - Etyka 16:186-190.
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    Teodycea historiozoficzna Augusta Cieszkowskiego.Irena Curyło-Gonzáles - 1978 - Etyka 16:147-161.
    The article discusses a concrete case of historiosophic theodicy, viz. the conception of August Cieszkowski, in order to present the structure of such conceptions and discuss theoretic and practical problems involved in them. The starting point of Cieszkowski’s deliberations on evil is a historical fact. To substantiate for his historiosophic optimism Cleszkowski must find not only the sense of the times in which he was living but must also explain the past, with all its moral evil: social catastrophes, misery, suffering, (...)
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  17. La soteriología contemporánea.Olegario Gonzáles de Cardenal - 1989 - Salmanticensis 36:56-74.
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    Relación metafísica de finito E Infinito en nicolás de cusa.Angel Luis Gonzáles - 2012 - Giornale di Metafisica 1.
    In this paper is studied the relationship between finite and infinite, creator and creature, in the metaphysics of Nicolaus of Cues; with this aim, the Cusano texts dealing with the transcendence of the Absolute´s infinity are highlighted, as well as the texts dealing with the inmanence of the finite in the Infinite. On the other hand, the relations of inmanence and transcendence, of finite and infinite, are made explicite through three kinds of affirmations or metaphores of Cusa: a) The Absolute (...)
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  19. A crítica de Frege ao idealismo em Der Gedanke.Mario Ariel Gonzáles Porta - 2009 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 54 (2):130-154.
    Para Frege, o erro de base do psicologismo é a sua concepção de sujeito, que se concentra no princípio de que meus únicos objetos são conteúdos imanentes da consciência. Entretanto, essa tese não é meramente falsa, mas também refutável. A refutação da mesma aparece, não obstante, tardiamente em Der Gedanke. É esse o sentido último da crítica do idealismo oferecida neste texto. Ela é um passo necessário e imprescindível para assegurar a possibilidade de que captemos pensamentos, possibilidade com a qual (...)
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    Expanding relationship science to unpartnered singles: What predicts life satisfaction?Lisa C. Walsh, Ariana M. Gonzales, Lucy Shen, Anthony Rodriguez & Victor A. Kaufman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Singles are an understudied yet growing segment of the adult population. The current study aims to expand the lens of relationship science by examining the well-being of unpartnered, single adults using latent profile analysis. We recruited singles closely matched to the United States census for an exploratory cross-sectional survey using five variables that strongly predict well-being. All five variables significantly predicted life satisfaction for the full sample. Latent profile analyses detected 10 groups of singles. Half of the profiles were happy (...)
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    La viña de nabot: análisis narrativo de 1 Re 21, 1-29. Retablo en seis escenas.Rafael Gonzáles Blanco - 2004 - Ciencia Tomista 131 (425):439.
  22. Videotex e Ibertex.C. Fernandez & A. Gonzáles - 1992 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 29:87-98.
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    fear of a wet planet (rhythm I) – the city be the rhythm invisible (rhythm II).Rosendo Gonzales - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru sur le site Fugitive Philosophy. Fleeing the Disciplines fear of a wet planet (rhythm I) Drexciya (descending AfroMer) We should linger here for a long while on rhythm : it is nothing other than the time of time, the vibration of time itself in the stroke of a present that presents it by separating it from itself, freeing it from its simple stanza to make it into scansion (rise, raising of the foot that beats) and (...)
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  24. Obtención y criopreservación de espermatozoides de alpacas.H. Gonzales - 2008 - Scientia 10:223-234.
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    Self-organization and life: a systemic approach.Maria Gonzales, Mariana Broens, Willem Haselager & Ettore - 2005 - Manuscrito 28 (2).
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    Children’s Self-Regulation in Norway and the United States: The Role of Mother’s Education and Child Gender Across Cultural Contexts.Ragnhild Lenes, Christopher R. Gonzales, Ingunn Størksen & Megan M. McClelland - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Tema: o retorno do ensino de filosofia ao segundo grau.João de Fernandes Teixeira & Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzales - 1983 - Trans/Form/Ação 6:1-3.
  28. Job Motivation and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction Among Accountants.Arianna Dacanay, Giannah D. V. Gonzales, Carl Xaviery A. Baldonado, Nicolai Renz S. P. Guballa, Hanz S. Marquez, Hazel Anne M. Domingo, Kyle Gian S. Diaz, Denise Iresh S. Catolico, Edward Gabriel Gotis & Jhoselle tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 9 (1):412-418.
    Job motivation remains an area of concern among researchers due to the rising issues of poor or lack of motivation among workers. This refers to one’s personal will or drives to perform a task at work. Meanwhile, job satisfaction refers to an employee’s sense of fulfillment with his or her work experience. Therefore, the current study utilized the descriptive- correlational research design to investigate the impact of job motivation on the job satisfaction of accountants. To gather essential data and achieve (...)
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  29. Analogia Entis and creatureliness: Stein and Przywara's refutation of Heidegger.Philip Gonzales - 2016 - In Jerzy Machnacz, Monika Małek-Orłowska & Krzysztof Serafin (eds.), The hat and the veil: the phenomenology of Edith Stein = Hut und Schleier: die Phänomenologie Edith Steins. Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
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  30. From metaphor to image: political emblems of the Baroque.J. M. Gonzales Garcia - 2004 - Filozofia 59 (3-4):185-200.
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    Ética de la economía, sujeto y derechos humanos.María Arcelia Gonzáles Butrón - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 33.
    La economía como ciencia social, como ciencia para la vida, está siendo interpelada cotidianamente por los efectos de una generalizada lógica de mercado totalizante que causa muerte y desesperanza a grupos cada vez más amplios de seres humanos y que, enfrenta/destruye la construcción de sujetos. Como respuesta, se impone una mirada crítica, una mirada ética y esfuerzos de diálogo multidisciplinario. En tal sentido se viene desarrollando una investigación de la que se comparten avances en este texto. La primera parte recoge (...)
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  32. Response to Bernard E. Harcourt's "Post-Truth".Jasmine B. Gonzales Rose - 2021 - In Melissa Schwartzberg & Philip Kitcher (eds.), Truth and evidence. New York, N.Y.: NYU Press.
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    Does hearing two dialects at different times help infants learn dialect-specific rules?Kalim Gonzales, LouAnn Gerken & Rebecca L. Gómez - 2015 - Cognition 140 (C):60-71.
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    Um estudo do conhecimento não proposicional no contexto da teoria da cognição incorporada e situada.Mariana Broens & Maria Gonzales - 2006 - Manuscrito 29 (2):729-751.
    Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a concepção de fer-ramenta cognitiva no contexto da teoria da cognição incorporada e si-tuada . Para isso, partimos das noções de ferramenta e de tecnologia cognitivas propostas, respectivamente, por Dennett e Dascal , através das quais situam a linguagem no contexto evolu-cionário, ressaltando o seu caráter pragmático. Argumentamos que a concepção de ferramenta cognitiva, que para esses autores está inserida num contexto teórico que privilegia o conhecimento proposicional, pode ser ampliada de modo a abarcar (...)
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    Space, Power, Consciousness and Women's Resistance: A Review Essay.Gertrude Gonzáles de Allen - 2009 - CLR James Journal 15 (1):248-264.
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    Syntactic frozenness in processing and remembering idioms.Raymond W. Gibbs & Gayle P. Gonzales - 1985 - Cognition 20 (3):243-259.
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    Making history: Social and psychological processes underlying collective memory.James W. Pennebaker & A. L. Gonzales - 2009 - In Pascal Boyer & James V. Wertsch (eds.), Memory in Mind and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 171--193.
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    Identidad personal y “ciencia del hombre” en el Tratado de la naturaleza humana de Hume. Una problematización.Marcia Gonzales LLanos - 2017 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 15:11-32.
    The present study aims to point out a possible inconsistency between David Hume’s account of the personal identity problem and the methodology of the philosophical project he sketches in A Treatise of Human Nature, and also to assess Nelson Pike’s defense of the Hume’s position, which is considered by many to have dissolved the problem. It will be argued that this solution turns out to be insufficient since it does not solve the explanatory gap left by the inconsistency. In order (...)
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    Evolución del concepto de emoción en el contexto científico: Desde la biología y la cultura, hasta el construccionismo psicológico.Mauricio Gonzáles-Arias - 2023 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 33 (2).
    Considerando el incremento del interés por las emociones en diversos campos de estudio y en la vida cotidiana junto con los importantes avances teóricos de los últimos años, este artículo pretende realizar un análisis y una síntesis de los aspectos teóricos más relevantes para comprender qué es una emoción. Se identifican los diferentes componentes de un episodio emocional, como el sentimiento de la emoción, las expresiones faciales, las tendencias a la acción, entre otros y se analizan las diferentes relaciones causales (...)
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    Affirmative Action and its Discontents.Moishe Gonzales - 1996 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1996 (106):157-164.
    If there is life elsewhere in the universe and its level of development is as backward as its terrestrial counterpart, they will probably have sociologists and political scientists constructing and deconstructing social reality. If and when they finally make contact with earth, these pundits will have great difficulty making sense of American race relations, no matter how many studies the Federation will commission to make sense out of the subject. The earth's most developed country, whose success is largely due to (...)
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    Analogia Entis: Metaphyiscs: Original Structure and Universal Rhythm. By Erich Przywara.Philip Gonzales - 2017 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 91 (1):145-149.
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    Against the Post-Marxist Pseudo-Left.Moishe Gonzales - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (69):157-161.
    The main feature of Whitebook's reply is that he does not give an inch and, more convinced than ever, keeps charging the windmills of redemption and revolution with the same lame theoretical weapons he had previously deployed. Only this time, he seeks reinforcements by appealing to the “heavies”: Habermas, Castoriadis and Heller. Since multiplying zero by any figure still yields zero, no substantive progress has been made. It would be futile to reiterate the same objections once again. Rather, to move (...)
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    (1 other version)Commentary on Tikkun.Moishe Gonzales - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (69):130-138.
    With an unusually well-orchestrated PR campaign worthy of the slickest mass commodity, Tikkun presents itself as a newjewish progressive magazine to challenge Commentary. But it is well known that many progressive U.S. magazines are largely staffed by Jews and most Jewish intellectuals are generally liberal. This striking redundancy immediately raises suspicion about either its Jewish or its liberal pedigree — or both. The obvious clash between the traditional secularism of progressive thought and the archaic religious appeal casts a shadow both (...)
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    Class Struggle is the Name of the Game: True Confessions of a Marxist Businessman.Moishe Gonzales - 1983 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1983 (57):191-194.
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    Decision making with multiple objectives using GAI networks.C. Gonzales, P. Perny & J. Ph Dubus - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (7-8):1153-1179.
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    Exorcising Perestroika.M. Gonzales - 1989 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1989 (81):130-154.
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    Eurocommunism -- The Ideological and Political-Theoretical Foundations.M. Gonzales - 1981 - Télos 1981 (48):195-197.
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    (1 other version)Gaullism with a Human Face?M. Gonzales - 1983 - Télos 1983 (55):153-161.
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    How bilinguals perceive speech depends on which language they think they’re hearing.Kalim Gonzales, Krista Byers-Heinlein & Andrew J. Lotto - 2019 - Cognition 182 (C):318-330.
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    Histoire de l'etat-nation: de la politique d'intégration en amérique latine et en europe.José Gonzáles - 2005 - Diálogos (Maringa) 9 (2).
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